Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Not Using a Legit Motorcycle Appraisal Service Could Spell Disaster!

There's an old story you may or may not have heard called "The Emperor Has No Clothes". It's about A King who lost his mind and started wandering around the kingdom buck-naked. But, because he was King, no one was willing to tell him he was naked. In fact, they went out of their way to humor him and actually gave him compliments on his fine clothes.

Many times people, who have had long involvements with friends, suddenly find themselves at the end of that relationship and almost always, the reason is because they start hearing advice or information they don't like from the other party. And as a result, they'll move on to someone else who will either give them the advice they like or will simply tell them what they want to hear.


So rather than risking the chance of destroying a longtime relationship, friends and associates many times are unwilling to say what they really think or feel, thus leaving you "walking around naked"!

It's helpful and useful to have someone close, who you can trust to tell you the truth. By trust I mean they have no agenda of their own. They are by nature, blunt and brutally honest along with being knowledgeable and successful. These people give you "just the facts" and this mannerism and type of behavior also applies to your custom built motorcycle as well.

Whether you have just finished building your own custom motorcycle or you just purchased a factory bike, and are seriously upgrading it, getting it appraised for proper insurance coverage is an absolute necessity to make sure you've got your investment properly protected!

Let's be realistic. If you want to ride, you've got to have motorcycle insurance. And, any insurance company that will even consider covering a one-off special construction motorcycle requires an approved appraisal!

As you know, there are no book prices on custom-built motorcycles and the actual cash value of a custom chopper can vary by substantial amounts of money based on the different types of components used in its construction.

Because of this, the motorcycle insurance underwriters require a qualified and accredited independent third party capable of producing an appraisal report detailing the construction of the bike and able to assign a value on it.

Here's the problem though. Any person or bike shop can hang up a sign saying they are appraisers and start producing "reports". And, if the report looks like it's official, some insurance companies may accept it without asking any questions.

So what's the big deal you ask? Okay let's think the unthinkable. Let's imagine you've parked your pride and joy in the parking lot of the local watering hole. And as you're getting ready to leave you discover that it's gone! But, you're thinking... "Fear Not, I have insurance to cover my loss". It's now time to play truth or consequences with your insurance company.

At this point your insurance company will begin to examine your appraisal with a microscope. If they feel that it is not detailed enough, the value seems high or there is a question about the legitimacy of the party that prepared it, you've got problems.

And the worse part is, if they discover that you got the appraisal from someplace like "Not-So-Swift Choppers" who is not qualified to do produce an appraisal document, chances are you are up the creek without a paddle!

The thing of it is, you can easily avoid being caught in that situation by using the services of a qualified, recognized and accepted appraisal source. Remember, after you've gone through the expensive and tedious process of building your own custom bike, unless you have a legal document from an accepted appraisal source stating the true value of your motorcycle, you are NOT going to get the insurance coverage you want and need leaving you flirting with disaster!

Why Not Using a Legit Motorcycle Appraisal Service Could Spell Disaster!



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