Monday, September 19, 2011

Enterprise Application Management - Phases, Components and Role of Maintenance and Support Services

There are many enterprise applications like, Enterprise Resource Planning/ ERP; Customer Resource Management/CRM etc. are the applications which constitute the whole enterprise application set, which is required to conduct the integrated processes of the enterprise as whole. The idea to select, develop and implement an application in the enterprise needs proper planning and investigation before hand. This is because it involves huge amount of resources in terms of time, money and efforts.

application server with raid-5 storage

Enterprise Applications Management directly contributes to the net earnings of the organization. The application life-cycle is divided in to two phases. First one is application development, which is then divided into application development and application deployment. Deployment or implementation whatever we call it is the period form where you can estimate the successful of your application. The second phase is maintenance and support phase. It includes the frameworks like SOM, COBIT etc.


But to develop an edge over the competitors, enterprises have to strive for continuous development tools like this one. It helps them keeping their name and status at the top by performing efficiently with no or minimum wastage of resources available to them. This phase of the conceptualizing the idea then developing, testing, implementing and feedback retrieval is called as application development cycle.

Every Enterprise Application Management involves testing before final implementation. During the testing phase inhibitions are noted and then corrected if any, to get down to the final implementation work. Once the implementation is completed, the employee feedback is recorded by the experts during the real-time work period. Enterprise Application Management thus can be said as a continuous process, leaving not even a single time error to be left in the system, since it could be fatal to the enterprise in long run.

There are four main components of Enterprise Application Management system and that are:
1. Application Development
2. Infrastructure Management
3. Application support
4. Quality assurance

The development refers to the initial conceptualization time, when experts try to find out the best possible application software for the enterprise within their specified budgets and controls. It includes functions like:

• Requirement engineering
• Development
• Re-engineering
• Migration
• Enhancement

Infrastructure management refers to the availability and management of the environment where the application would be set up. Infrastructure is needed for the establishment of any enterprise application for its implementation and maintenance. Its sub functions are:

• IT help desk,
• Desktop management
• DB administration
• Network management
• Server management

Application support refers to the set up required to allow the application system work in the enterprise in real. Without the application support unit no application or process can work at all. The main functions of application support system are listed below:

• Production support
• Maintenance
• Bug fixes
• Integration and
• Performance optimization

Every enterprise needs application support services to maintain, develop and Enterprise Application Management. For that a specified framework is needed without which the system development and application election and designing can't be initiated. That environment is constituted of the following-

For Application development, enterprises require SCA and CMMi.

For Infrastructure management purpose COBIT and Six Sigma are required. For support purpose the existence of QA and COBIT like applications in the enterprise system is required. The tasks performed within the Quality assurance unit are Functional testing, Compatibility testing, Test automation and Performance engineering.

Enterprise Application Management - Phases, Components and Role of Maintenance and Support Services



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