Thursday, September 1, 2011

Engineering the Mekgineer's Chopper in WOTLK

I've always lusted after the Alliance Mekgineer's Chopper in Wrath of the Lich King. They look so cool, idling outside the Auction House in Stormwind or roaring around the streets of Dalaran. Now, although you can buy a chopper on the Auction House (you don't need to be an Engineer to ride one) I decided to craft one.


So, how do you craft a Mekgineer's Chopper? It helps if you are an Engineer which, at the time I tried this, I wasn't. So I had to drop Inscription (I had reached the level of Grand Master) and train as an Engineer, again all the way to Grand Master.


To train Engineering to that of Grand Master at level 80 doesn't take that long, providing you have Mining as your second primary profession. Engineering consumes vast amounts of metals and without Mining to feed your craft you will spend a fortune at the Auction house buying metals and elemental material. It took me about a week of mining and crafting to max out Engineering and I managed to craft some cool gear in the process.

Once you have reached a skill of 450 in Engineering you need the chopper schematic. This is purchased for 350g from the Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster located at either the Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord. But here's the catch: you need to be exalted with the Alliance Vanguard before you can buy the schematic. If this catches you out (I was only Revered) try performing the daily quests at the Argent Tournament which should allow you to reach Exalted in double-quick time.

Having obtained the schematic you need to gather or buy the following materials:

Titansteel Bar (12) Handful of Cobalt Bolts (40) Arctic Fur (2) Salvaged Iron Golem Parts (1) Goblin-machined Piston (8) Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe (1)

Titansteel Bar

Titansteel can now be made relatively easily if you have maxed out Mining as one of your professions. As of patch 3.3 there is no longer any cool down for the smelting of this metal. To make one bar of Titansteel requires you smelt:

Titanium Bars (3) Eternal Fire (1) Eternal Earth (1) Eternal Shadow(1)

You'll gather Crystallized Elements needed for the Eternals in this recipe as a by product of gathering the various mineral ores. Remember 10 Crystallized Elements make 1 Eternal.

Here's a tip: if you have an alt or a friendly Guild member with sufficient Alchemy skill you'll be able to mine Saronite ore instead of Titanium ore which is much easier. You send your alt 24 bars of Saronite which can be 'transmuted' to 3 Titanium bars and sent back to your main character. A neat trick which can save you both time and money.

Arctic Fur

The easiest thing to do is to buy is to buy this item at the Auction House. This will probably set you back 200g. Perhaps we should have taken up Skinning for a profession!

Here's at tip: wait until the Darkmoon Faire comes around and buy the fur from the exotic goods vendor Lhara for Just 12g per piece!

Rocki Ramrocket

The remaining items for the chopper can all be obtained from the NPC called Rocki Ramrocket located at K3, Storm Peaks:

Salvaged Iron Golem Parts (1), 3000g Goblin-machined Piston (8), 8000g Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe (1), 1500g

Total 12,500g

Rocki only sells the exhaust pipe as a limited supply item so there is a chance that it may be missing temporarily.

Crafting the Chopper

Once you gathered and bought all the items for the schematic, its time to craft the chopper which is done simply at any forge. You'll then earn the Achievement Get to da Chopper!

Congratulations, you have reached the pinnacle of your skill as an Engineer and crafted one of the coolest mounts in the World of Warcraft!

Engineering the Mekgineer's Chopper in WOTLK



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