Monday, September 26, 2011

Get Your Product on TV Shoppers Networks

Many people watch those shopping network shows and think to themselves that people must be crazy to buy that stuff. Have you ever wondered where the merchandise comes from? Regular people like you and me come up with products and make millions every year. How do they do it?

I'm not saying that it'll be easy, but you have a better chance than winning the lottery. If you can come up with a product that can be demonstrated on Television, that is extremely marketable and solves a common every day problem you might be able to make it big on TV. The first thing to do is research.


Never ever start believing that you know what the buying public wants without testing and research.

The Internet is a great place to start. You can learn more about what people are buying and the problems people want solved by going to chat rooms, user groups and online clubs. Become a consumer products sleuth and you'll discover a lot of needs and challenges that go unmet. The largest Television shopping networks such as QVC and HSN have websites that will also give you an idea of what products are selling on their shows. There are several online means of evaluating products.

Once you've researched a few products and found highly marketable ones, search through the manufactures directories at your local library and research the listings for the type of products you've deemed to be ideal for your purpose. If you have the ability to design a product, that's great but you don't have to. There are people who can assist you or you might be able to connect with people who have a product you can take to market. Please remember that it's not necessary to re-invent the wheel.

Once you're set with brochures, pictures and or samples, contact the vendor information link on the shopping networks' websites and fill out the applications. Be sure to check the websites' frequently asked questions page for information on submitting products. Submit your materials and wait.

It might take weeks or months depending on the company, level of interest in your product, and the backlog of entries. After the evaluation period they'll contact you. If you have a shot, they'll contact you to set up an appointment to meet with a representative.

If you get the opportunity attend a qualifying meeting with shopping network officials, be prepared make a detailed presentation. If you've created the product yourself, be prepared to show a prototype.

Some shopping companies might offer to finance your TV production; I think QVC still does while Home Shopping Network does require payment to get you on Television. Either way, be sure to connect with the manufacture to ensure that they can ramp up production for mass distribution.

You might not be able to score the first time around but keep trying and get feedback. If you get good at packaging and product marketing, you'll have an amazing skill for wealth building.

Get Your Product on TV Shoppers Networks



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