Thursday, August 4, 2011

Perfume Application Tips

In today's society, the perfume industry is huge. Celebrities, sports figures, musicians - you name it and they have their own designer fragrance. Perfumes can be designed to create a fresh innocent fruity smell, a warm relaxing vanilla smell, a romantic seductive flowery smell or just about any combination of smells that you desire.

application tape

Finding the perfect perfume takes time. Test a few of your friend's fragrances, try a couple at the mall or local beauty store, or send away for samples from perfume websites. You are bound to find a fragrance that stands out from the rest!


Once the perfect fragrance is found, you want to be sure to apply it properly. Finding that perfect medium between too much and too little is tricky.

Some helpful perfume application tips to consider are...

Tip #1: Apply the perfume right after a shower or bath. Your pores will be open allowing optimal absorption.

Tip #2: Avoid using a different scented soap or lotion when wearing perfume. The multiple smells will compete with each other.

Tip #3: Spray or dab the fragrance to pulse points - wrists, cleavage, neck, fold in elbows, and back of knees. Remember- 1 spray or dab to each point is plenty!

Tip #4: Refrain from rubbing your wrists together or rubbing in the perfume once applied. This will basically rub the perfume fragrance right off of your skin and prevent the scent from lasting.

Tip #5: Complete application with the "walk through". For those that have not experienced this, you should hold the bottle out in front of you and spray the perfume into the air at about head level. You then walk through the mist to lightly dust the rest of your body with the perfume.

Perfume Application Tips



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