Wednesday, August 10, 2011

American Chopper Games for Your Kids Motorcycle Theme Party

Every great party needs some fun party games to keep the guests interested. This goes for kids party's too. As the party host you'll want to keep them entertained so they don't get bored and start running around to create some entertainment of their own. You'll thank yourself later for using the following game ideas at your American Chopper Party. These two games are really two parts of one activity that will keep the kids entertained for a few hours. First have the kids compete in the great Cardboard American Chopper contest, then each group gets to partake in The American Chopper Relay.

chopper frames

For the first game have the kids break up into teams so they can develop and create their own American Choppers out of cardboard. You'll need to provide the kids with some large cardboard sheets, scissors, lots of markers, glue, construction paper, and aluminum (for the metallic look). This will be a supervised project so you'll need to help the kids with cutting and designs. The choppers are easier to make when you have the kids create two dimensional versions on cardboard cut out to look like a motorcycle, but if you have the inclination go ahead and attempt a three dimensional cardboard bike. After the bikes are created and lined up have the parents get together and give awards and prizes to the bikes based on creativity, color, effort, best team, and any other category you like.


When the choppers are dry and everyone's had some cake assemble for The American Chopper Relay. Everyone stays in their design team but space them out as you would for a relay race. The point being to 'race' their team's chopper from one end of the 'racetrack' to the other, and the kids will hand off their choppers to each of the team members along the track. Give an award to the first place team.

American Chopper Games for Your Kids Motorcycle Theme Party



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