Sunday, August 14, 2011

Job Application Tips - Simple Tips to Get More Interviews

Job Application Tips 101-Although the application stage is arguably the most vital in the whole job seeking process, many people still forgo making any real effort and submit low quality applications time and time again. Follow these 5 job application tips to learn to maximize your time and submit a quality job application everytime!

application study bible

Prove your value- Don't make token efforts-make every job application as good as you possibly can. An employer will want the best person they can find for the salary they are offering. It's like buying a car or a house-People want the best they can get for their money, and an employer will most likely want to employ the person who has made the most effort when applying.


Make your covering letter sell you- This is the first thing a potential employer sees, so you need to maximize the potential of this document to make sure your application goes into the "Maybe" pile instead of straight in the trash. Many job application tips don't emphasize the importance of this document.

Make sure your cover letter and resume are different. A recruiter reading two variations of the same document is hardly likely to be blown away. As we said before, we need to maximize the impact our application as a whole has, and a good job application tip is to make everything as different as we can. We want a potential recruiter to read everything we send them, as soon as they start skipping ahead we are doomed!

Think of them, not you- A recruiter wants to know what you can do for their organization, not what they can do for you. A good general job application tip is to try and remove all instances of the word "I" from your application. Too many people focus the application around themselves, when they will in fact find a good deal more success if they center it around the employer.

Apply early- don't leave things until the last minute in case of any kind of issue. If you write your cover letter and get your job application filled in as soon as you can, it will naturally give you more time to work on it. Which application do you think will read better, the one thrown together the night before it was posted, or the one that was planned out and refined weeks in advance?

Hopefully after reading through these job application tips you are beginning to understand what it takes to find consistent success with your applications.

Job Application Tips - Simple Tips to Get More Interviews



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