Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Build Your First Custom Motorcycle

You have decided that you want to own a custom motorcycle, but you're not quite sure how or where to begin. There are a few things to think about before you start on your journey for that original, unique, or unusual motorcycle.

chopper bicycle frames

First, do you want to fully build a custom motorcycle from the frame up, do you want to modify an existing bike, or order one already built to your specifications? What size bike are you thinking about? Large, small or in the middle? Do you want agility & speed, or do you just want to look good while you cruise the highway?  You will need to decide how much money you can afford to spend in the long run & whether your ownership plan will most likely take you weeks, months or even years to complete.


Second, can you spare the time to do the customization/modification on your bike yourself, or do you have the resources to have the work done for you. If you are going to do your own work, (as do most of us) you'll need to consider what tools you will need, where your work space will be located, how much help from like-minded friends you're likely to get, and your level and variety of skills.  Last but not least, do you have the motivation and dedication to continue once you have started creating your own custom bike?

Third, how much work needs to be done on a bike to make it a custom motorcycle anyway?  This is a controversial argument.  Some say it is not a custom motorcycle, unless you change out basically everything on the bike and others say changing just a couple of things makes it custom. This is the logical answer; make it uniquely yours in any way you choose!  Build it, modify it, lighten it, strengthen it, downsize it, expand it, make it more agile, paint it, build it up, or strip it down, just make it yours!  If you have had it modified and it is no longer "stock", or you've modified it yourself, congratulations! You now own a custom motorcycle!

Fourth, get out there and ride!!

How to Build Your First Custom Motorcycle



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